Research results


Krane, V., Zubala, E., Thorning, T. H., Quintana Murci, E., & Macedo, E.. (2025). Running Collaborative Competence Groups - Exploring Experiences From Five Countries. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 24..

COSI.ed Project Team. (2023). Co-created Education through Social Inclusion (COSI.ed)- Challenges and strengths of upscaling inclusive practices in European contexts to develop European policy. Abstracts ECER 2023 Conference, Glasgow.

Quintana-Murci, E., Salvà-Mut, F., Pinya Medina, C., Vecina Merchante, C., Thomàs-Vanrell, C., Rosselló- Rosselló, C. & Vilasís-Pamos, J.. (2023). Co-creation and indirect approach as a methodology to improve student engagement in initial and continuing VET. In, V. Tūtlys, L. Vaitkutė & C. Nägele (Eds.), Vocational Education and Training Transformations for Digital, Sustainable and Socially Fair Future. Proceedings of the 5th Crossing Boundaries Conference in Vocational Education and Training, Kaunas, 25 – 26 May (pp. 373–381).

Quintana-Murci, E., Thomàs-Vanrell, C., & Vecina-Merchante, C. (2022). La cocreación como metodología de intervención socioeducativa en centros de formación ocupacional. In, D. Cobos-Sanchiz, E. López-Meneses, A. Jaén-Martínez, A.H. Martín-Padilla & L. Molina-García (Eds.), Educación Y Sociedad: Pensamiento e Innovación para la Transformación Social (pp.1611-1621). Dykinson.


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Project reference: 621365-EPP-1-2020-1-NO-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN

COSI.ed official website in the European Union

2021 - Co-created Education through Social Inclusion - COSI.ed